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TYPE: Premium Condom (CDM-01L)

DOSAGE: 200 mg;400 mg

DOSAGE: 80 mg/1 ml

Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG) in diabetes and importance of glucose monitors
What is SMBG and why is it important? Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is one of the most important methods to “self-check on the management of diabetes” along with timely medication and a healthy life-style. American diabetes association has prescribed SMBG as one of the vital tool for managing diabetes at individual level. SMBG is not only an important aspect for people having type 1diabetes or those who are insulin
Importance of Nutraceuticals in Human Major Health And Improving The Daily Dietary
Nutraceutical is a combination from two words i.e. ‘nutrition’ and ‘pharmaceutical’. Nutraceuticals can be defined as a food or a part of food which helps in altering and maintaining normal physiological functions in healthy human beings. The principal reasons for the growth of the nutraceutical market worldwide are the current population and the health trends. The food products used as nutraceuticals can be characterized as dietary fibers, prebiotics, probiotics,